Dorah Blume is an author of historical fiction novels. Her latest, Botticelli's Muse, is a provocative story about Italian Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli, the conflicts of Medici Florence, and the woman at the heart of his paintings.
Dorah Blume, Deborah Bluestein, Botticelli's Muse, Sandro Botticelli, italian renaissance, italian artists, medici florence, historical fiction novel
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Foreword Reviews 2017 INDIE Finalist in Historical Fiction

So proud to be chosen as a finalist in the 2017 INDIES Competition

(taken directly from their website)

Founded in 1998, Foreword Magazine, Inc. is an independent media company totally devoted to covering the indie book publishing industry. From multi-imprint independent publishers, to micro presses, university presses, and author-owned publishers, the universe of indie publishing is vast and widely underserved; Foreword exists to fill that void, giving a platform for indie publishers to be discovered by our varied audience of librarians, booksellers, book-loving consumers, publishers, agents, and other publishing professionals.



Parental Influence

Prompt was made up of objects at the workshop and random words plucked out of our “Word Bank.”
Objects: Bell bike helmet/motorcycle helmet
Words chosen at random from the word bank: pearl-eyed, benevolent, habitual, carving knife, wound
Author: Dorah Blume
Timed writing: 20 minutes

Approximate date: 6/2013
Location: Juiceboxartists workshop/Boylston St.

“You might as well take a carving knife to your body and start hacking,” Louise said. Her heavy arms wriggled with those appendages overweight women who wear floral frocks tend to display. Her son Billy snapped on his Shogun helmet just the same. He gave his mother a benevolent smile and let the back screen door slam behind him.

She would hold her Saint Christopher medal up to her lips. Pearly-eyed now with tears dropping into the sink, she would look at him through the kitchen window. Ever since he first rode his green tricycle down Jackson Street into oncoming traffic—she had caught him just in time—she was always afraid that he would wound himself terribly.



10 Clutter-busting strategies as they appeared on

  1. Clutter-busting strategy #1: Establish Activity Zones
  2. Clutter-busting strategy #2: Start Small
  3. Clutter-busting strategy #3: Get Help!
  4. Clutter-busting strategy #4: Reduce Pieces of Furniture to a Minimum
  5. Clutter-busting strategy #5: Let Go of the Guilt
  6. Clutter-busting strategy #6: Practice the “One in, One out” principle
  7. Clutter-busting strategy #7: Display Each Collection as a Collection in One Place
  8. Clutter-busting strategy #8: Get Rid of Broken Stuff, Fix It, or Recycle!
  9. Clutter-busting strategy #9: Give Away What No Longer Serves You
  10. Clutter-busting strategy #10: Know Thyself

Clutter Kills . . .

I’ve started a series of articles you can read on Here’s a link to one about my lifelong battle with clutter. Each day I’ll be adding a clutter busting strategy for the next 10 days before moving on to a wide variety of topics that will deal with solo travel, creativity, creative writing, growing older, and interior design. A wide spectrum, but that’s why I’m calling them Notes from the Walking Head.


Creativity unexpressed . . .

The handle for my twitter account and several other uses employs this medieval line drawing of what I have named The Walking Head, aka The Ambulatory Neurotic.  She first appeared way back in the year 2000, before blog posts existed. I was in Los Angeles, training to become a certified Bikram Yoga teacher. It had been a dream to travel around the world at the millennium. I posted myself as the Walking Head in search of her Astral Spine. She journeyed through the nine weeks (500 hours) of teacher training and then on to Kyoto, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Thailand (airport only), Calcutta, Mumbai, Bangalore, New Delhi, Agra, and back to LA.

Today’s post introduces this walking head to you once more as she appeared (sadly truncated) in my first direct entry onto the blogger website. Here’s the link

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