Dorah Blume is an author of historical fiction novels. Her latest, Botticelli's Muse, is a provocative story about Italian Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli, the conflicts of Medici Florence, and the woman at the heart of his paintings.
Dorah Blume, Deborah Bluestein, Botticelli's Muse, Sandro Botticelli, italian renaissance, italian artists, medici florence, historical fiction novel
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10 Clutter-busting strategies as they appeared on

  1. Clutter-busting strategy #1: Establish Activity Zones
  2. Clutter-busting strategy #2: Start Small
  3. Clutter-busting strategy #3: Get Help!
  4. Clutter-busting strategy #4: Reduce Pieces of Furniture to a Minimum
  5. Clutter-busting strategy #5: Let Go of the Guilt
  6. Clutter-busting strategy #6: Practice the “One in, One out” principle
  7. Clutter-busting strategy #7: Display Each Collection as a Collection in One Place
  8. Clutter-busting strategy #8: Get Rid of Broken Stuff, Fix It, or Recycle!
  9. Clutter-busting strategy #9: Give Away What No Longer Serves You
  10. Clutter-busting strategy #10: Know Thyself
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